Los Reyes Country Club


National Parks, Reserves, National Monuments, Research Stations and Botanical Gardens.

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  • Botanical Gardens
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  • Nature Reserves
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CATIE – Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza

Close to 400 bird species have been seen here.

Nectandra Cloud Forest Reserve

"Nectandra Cloud Forest Preserve is a horticultural display garden landscaped to exhibit the immense richness of the flora and fauna...
Felix Salazar

Santuario Ecologico



Orquilandia Botanical Garden has a collection of 2000 different orchids.

Rainmaker Conservation Park

Parque Nacional Marino Ballena

Punta Uvita / The Whale Tail


OSA Interactive Gardens

The Osa Interactive Gardens has a unique Botanical Garden located in Puerto Jimenez on the Osa Peninsula in southern-most Costa...

Else Kientzler Botanical Garden

Also called Jardín Botánico Else Kientzler.

Dave & Dave’s Costa Rica Nature Park

Refugio de Aves Dr. Alexander Skutch, “Los Cusingos", Pamela Lankester Orchid garden, San Isidro de El General, San José, Costa Rica [2015]<br>GPS Coord. Lat: 9.339409N, Long: 83.628680W; Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson: www.kristianadolfsson.com

Alexander Skutch Bird Refuge – Los Cusingos

This reserve also contains the Pamela Lankester Orchid garden. Almost 430 Bird Species have been seen in this Bird Sanctuary.

La Reserva Bosque Nuboso Santa Elena


Selvatura Adventure Park

Selvatura Adventure Park has one of the largest butterfly gardens in the Americas. It is home to more than 30...